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tv   ABC World News Now  ABC  August 9, 2013 2:35am-4:00am EDT

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evacuation was carried out because of a specific threat to the consulate. it is now closed for the holiday from now until sunday. evacuation was announced the same day as the government warned all americans not to travel to pakistan. >> an expanneding manhunt across the western u.s. portion of the country right now for a kidnapping suspect who is also accused of murder. james lee dimaggio, suspected of abducting hannah anderson after setting his southern california house on fire with the girl's mother and likely her brother inside. an amber alert for anderson is now in effect in california, oregon, washington, and nevada. police say the 40-year-old dimaggio may be armed with home made explosives. >> unusually high number of bottle the nosed dolphins are dying off the east coast this summer according to researchers looking into what killed the 124 dolphins stranded in the mid-atlantic region since july. they suspect maybe the same virus which killed hundreds of dolphins in the 1980s. >> burglar pulled off an
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elaborate heist at a trendy boutique in west hollywood. the thief used construction equipment to tunnel his way inside. he cut holes in the dry wall of public bathroom in the back of the store. security cameras captured him gathering his haul for 20 minutes. he left with $8,000 in high fashion merchandise. >> we had a shawshank redemption moment. some one literally burrowed through our was to come into our store. >> wow, the store manager said the thief ignored the most expensive items. he was clearly on a specificete from a designer. >> one specific taste. family of the car accident victim searching for a stranger this morning. they say this man appeared at an accident sunday morning. as the young woman was fighting for her life. trapped in her car for two hours. she asked for prayers. witnesses say the man was dressed like a catholic priest, he seemed to come out of nowhere. >> he came up and approached the
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patient. and did offer a prayer. a catholic priest. and he had anointing oil with him. and a sense of calmness had come over her then even more so than what she schahad been. >> crews freed the young woman. when they turned to thank the mysterious man. he is gone. they're calling him a guardian angel. >> i hope he appears so she can give a thank you. >> folks at the national zoo in washington over the moon, the arrival of two sumatran tiger cups. >> born monday weigh 2 pound each. that's it. teeny tiny. they don't have names. we know what sex they are. won't find out. found out during the cub's first exam. >> the new arrivals seem healthy. will not be allowed to go outside for 4 months. how do you get near the cubs the first time. wouldn't want to make mama mad. >> i don't know. >> wonder thach haif they have mama fall asleep. >> you take mom out first?
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she is not going without her cubs. right. that's probably why, how much has to do with the fact there is a scent on the cubs. some animals kill their children because there is another scent on them. i wonder how much, the cubs can be old enough so mama won't do anything. >> nice point. never heard that before. you have been watching your discovery channel. >> i say this every time the show is on. come to us for all the answers. >> if we don't know them we will make them up. >> that one is true. look it up. light up on wikipedia. always right. >> anything printed is right. >> correct. >> coming up. one man's mission to catch a bandit. >> the campaign to capture a woman who swiped a package off his porch. >> no kids allowed. the restaurant decided to shut the door on children. the surprising reaction this decision is getting. ♪ whatever you're looking for
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♪ hey >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by cascade platinum. even the inside of your dishwasher sparkles. ok, so i'm the bad guy for being clean? you said it! you know, you... bababababa ladies! let's not fight dirty. hi, cascade kitchen counselor. see, over time... new cascade platinum's triple cleaning formula delivers brilliant shine that finish gel can't beat. it even helps keep your dishwasher sparkling. new cascade platinum is cascade's best. ♪ honey, we need to talk. we do? i took the trash out. i know. and thank you much for that. i think we should get a medicare supplement insurance plan. right now? [ male announcer ] whether you're new to medicare or not, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. it's up to you to pay the difference. so think about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan,
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insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, they help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. i did a little research. with a medicare supplement plan, you'll be able to stay with your doctor. oh, you know, i love that guy. mmmm. [ male announcer ] these types of plans let you visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. and there are no networks. is this a one-size-fits-all kind of thing? no. there are lots of plan options. it all depends what we need and how much we want to spend. [ male announcer ] call now to request your free decision guide. it could help you find an aarp medicare supplement plan that's right for you. what happens when we travel? the plans go with us. anywhere in the cotry. i like that. you know what else? unitedhealthcare insurance company has years and years of experience. what do you say? ♪ i'm in. [ male announcer ] join the millions already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans
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endorsed by aarp. remember, all medicare supplement plans help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay and could really save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. you'll be able to choose your own doctor or hospital as long as they accept medicare patients. and with these plans, there could be low or no copays. you do your push-ups today? prepare to be amazed. [ male announcer ] don't wait. call today to request your free decision guide and find the aarp medicare supplement plan to go the distance with you. go long.
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here is the morning's hot topic. cafe owner unhappy about the behavior of two customers and their small children asked them to leave then wrote about it on facebook. >> it sparked a firestorm about what you should expect of a child and what you should expect of a restaurant owner. abc's rebecca jarvis explains. >> there is nothing we can do about that. that's a child. >> reporter: a real-life sex in the city moment. unlike the tv version, the kids'
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behaving badly at the rainy days cafe in lake stevens, washington, promptly got the boot. >> i told her that she was going to have to leave that we had just paid good money to have our carpets cleaned and i didn't appreciate that her kid was stomping crumbs into the carpet. taking the mess to face book, writing a couple ladies camen today and this is the mess their children made. >> i put it on facebook for my r regular customers that are neat and tidy. it's not fair to them to be recognized for the good work they do. >> reporter: her post going viral, prompting ferocious facebook debate. prompting, rainy you fail. news flash you are in the industry to serve. suck it up, serve and clean. many also coming to mcduff's defense. yea, for you. i'm a teacher who loves children. but some families have no behavior expectations for their children in restaurants.
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>> everybody is allowed to have their opinion, allowed to live their own life. that's what we are fryitrying t. >> a flat out ban on children in restaurants is going way too far. way too extreme. >> some times parents want to get away from the kids, having a date night. your kids are running around. a no win situation. >> reporter: still mcduff is not the first to ban kids. at la fisheria, they live seven by seven rule. no kids seven and under, after 7:00 p.m. while it may be leaving a bad taste in some people any mouths. for others it is their favorite off the menu addition. rebecca jarvis, abc news, new york. >> all right. facebook question of the day has to do with specific restaurant mentioned in rebecca's piece. >> weigh in, do you think banning kids at dinner time is too extreme or the restaurant's right to do so? >> tough one. i can see so. you can't just ban kids. there are plenty of great kids
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who know how to behave. ban them is silly. how do you deal with the parents from hell who let the kids go crazy? >> and do anything they want. i get both sides of this as well. this its what i say about restaurants that want to ban kids. there is a lot, lot of people with kids. so if you want to ban kids altogether. you are hurting yourself because you are losing people who are going to come in and spend really good money. >> crazy kids running around like nuts. don't want to lose the people who won't go to that place again. >> i do get both sides. with a 10 1/2-month-old. >> code of conduct. code of conduct. act like an idiot, you are out. >> i agree. i agree. >> we'll be
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>> welcome back, an arizona man is out to get the woman who stole a package from his front porch in broad day light. >> you bet. his camera caught it all and he turned the pictures against her
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big time. after the tall blond pilfered tim lake's package from his front porch all caught on tape. >> she looked around. grabbed the package and scurried into the distance. looked like sasquatch dargt iti into the forest. she took the safety i feel in my home. that's something that can't ship out next day air. >> reporter: the 29-year-old said he wasn't satisfied filing a police report. instead he became the village mail vigilante, crafting the tongue in cheap wanted poster warning neighbors to beware of a suspect with rather unique features. >> eyes, vacant, uncaring and lacking a soul. her height is about yea tall. >> reporter: within hours the e-mail account to collect leads was bombarded. >> no lead. got a few marriage proposals. a couple weird political rants. >> reporter: the blond bandit the latest in a series of nationwide porch pilferers, stealing everything from
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shrubbery, holiday gifts all on camera. as for lake not only is he enjoying the humorous hunt. it seems he may have gotten the last laugh. inside the box. >> couple dozen cups and couple ice trays. >> worth $22. >> the hunter has become the hunted. buzz because i will find her. >> elusive sasquatch. hard to find big foot. they're going to get her. i can't wait. >> this is great. go on line. look at the post. priceless. some descriptions of the suspect here, suspect, a suspect, a jerk with a cheesy blond dye job. vacant, uncaring eyes. >> we'll have her on. i'm telling you. we will get her. septic system breakdowns affect over 1 million homes a year,
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and can cost thousands of dollars to repair... thankfully, the powerful dual action formula of rid-x has enzymes to break down waste and time released bacteria to reduce tank build up. d-tic maintenance. is the one you want to be the cleanest. the busiest place in your house but using bleach leaves some stains behind. as this dye reveals. lysol toilet bowl cleaner does more.
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it removes the tough stains that bleach doesn't and it also disinfects. that's healthing. welcome back, everybody. time for "insomniac theater." this weekend, your choices, a sci-fi thriller and raunchy comedy about a fake family on vacation. >> all right. start with elysium, movie from
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the direct irof district nine. in 2154, the gulf between the have and have-notes are pretty much unbridgeable. matt damon tries to barack through with a surgically implanted exoskeleton. ♪ how is everything going? >> what did you do to me? >> do you know who you are? >> reviewers love matt damon in this role. credit the director with an am b -- ambitious mix of movie making. a gripping bit of business. it draws strength from a great idea then settles for crunching battles and predictability. >> all right. now for something different "we're the millers" jennifer
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anson and jason sedakis come de, a small time drug dealer forced to smuggle marijuana from mexico creates a fake family with anist aniston. happens to be a stripper.wife. clueless boy. run away girl as the children. they drive the drugs in an rv. they all meet for the first time on a fleet to mexico. >> this is my son, kenny miller. >> honey, hi. you made it. >> don't. just don't. >> hi, mom. >> jesus. who is that? >> that's your daughter. casey. >> hey. >> uh-huh. i want $30,000 now. >> all right, production seems to have some trouble with two different writing teams. some reviewers question the chemistry between aniston and sedakis. we're the millers is tone deaf, mistaking the cringe worthy for humor.
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"denver post," as a diversion one could do worse. >> oh. >> not exactly a rousing endorsement. >> looks fun. premise is fun. especially when i love the fact that they call them a good-natured drug dealer. the best kind. >> the teenage daughter was perfect. hey, mom. >> whatever. >> totally in character. >> which of the two would you see? >> elysium. good premise. exciting. >> very deep. lots of layers.
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this morning on "world news now" -- >> i feel this pressure off my shoulders that you carry every day with you. i have two kids. am i going to be able to pay for them to go to college? am i going to be able to take care of them if they have health
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issues. >> this morning on "world news now" -- rich relief. the world meets america's newest millionaire. we have new details about who is taking home one of the jack pots from new jersey. also ahead. >> my main goal for this whole project is to find the real paul. >> the decade old mystery of a missing baby. why this man believed that little boy was him. in an abc news exclusive, barbara walters sits down with the man in the middle of the heartbreaking mix-up. >> then forget about laying on the beach. how about hovering high above it. the newest vacation sensation. it's friday, august 9th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now" with john muller and diana perez. tgif. can i get a high five. >> yes. >> we feel brown today. i feel like we work for ups or something. >> just need our patches. couple of things to deliver.
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>> boxes. >> couple boxes. it is friday. perfect way to start friday. starting with a feel good story. >> let's get to it. feel belt irtter if it was me. learning details about one of the winning powerball tick tets. >> but by a group of vehicle workers and one man has claimed his share of the prize. here's abc's linsey davis. >> reporter: meet paul white, america's newest multimillionaire. >> so we went through them and sure enough they were right. and i said i will have to call you back later. and i went whoo, ran around the office. >> reporter: less than 12 hours after the drawing, the 45-year-old electrical engineer came forward to claim his share of the $400,000 jackpot. >> to have two kids will i be able to pay for them to go to college. >> reporter: after taxes he is now $86 million richer. the remaining $172 million split
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between other soon to beep millionaires. there are reports that a group of employees went in on a ticket another tech it bought at the stop & shop in south brunswick. several other millionaires in colorado, texas and oklahoma. powerball ticketholders earned $2 million prize. and $1 million winners in a total of 16 states. as for white he has been banking on this win for a while. something he had recently joked about in a game with his siblings. >> the description was their financial plan consists of playing the lottery. everybody picked my name. they thought it was funny then. who's right now? >> white says one of his first purchases will likely be a 63 impala for his 80-year-old dad. as for the stores that sold the winning tech ets the lottery has bonuses for all. the stop & shop said it will
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likely donate its $30,000 to the community. linsey davis, abc news, south brunswick >> beautiful thing. rising rivers and creeks across the midsection, forcing people to flee to higher, drier ground. a 5 week old infant among the flood victims rescued. firefighters had to wade through chest high walter to take lauren marlin from the family's attic. her father was in shock. >> next thing you know weep were in the attic trying to get the babies upstairs. it's hard. it is scary. you don't know what the water is going to do. so -- just lose it all. >> that area of tennessee got double its monthly rain total just yesterday. one casualty in the rising water, 69-year-old woman in missouri she drowned when her car was swept off a flded bridge. >> crews in california are spending a night battling the out of control wildfire east of los angeles. officials say 26 homes have been destroyed. the number could rise. the fire estimated at nearly 22 squa miles with 20%
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containment. it continues to grow. >> out west, an expanding manhunt for a kidnapping suspect accused of murder. james lee dimaggio suspected of abducting 16-year-old hannah anderson after setting his southern california house on fire with the girl's mother and lakely her brother inside. amber alert for anderson in effect in california, oregon, washington and nevada. 40-year-old dimaggio may be armed with home made explosives. >> two college friends of dzhokhar tsarnaev will face charges for throwing away fireworks and items they found in tsarnaev's dorm room the day before his capture. if convicted they face 20 years in prison. both scheduled for arraignment tuesday. an attorney for one of the men said the charges amounted to nothing more than a witch-hunt. >> president obama holding a news conference at the was today to address recent terror alert. the president plans to take question as but the threat that shut down nearly two dozen embassies and consulates. mostly in the middle east. last night, a threat prompted e vac waegs of u.s. diplomats from
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the pakistani city of lahore. >> president obama announced recipients of the highest civilian honor. former president bill clinton, oprah winfrey and gloria st tech einham. the group include athletes. scientists, musicians, astronaut sally ride and two others will receive the award posthumously. nelson mandela received his medal of freedom in 2002. 95-year-old mandela in his third month of treatment in pretoria. abc's marci gonzalez is there. >> reporter: nelson mandela here in critical condition. his health said to be improving. he was admitted here to the medic clinic heart hospital since june 8. since then the gate jut side has been covered in posters, banners, card.
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wishing mandela a speedy recovery and thanking him for all he has done for this country. anti-apartheid leader and south african president has had family by his bedside. but his friend including former president bill clinton are giving the family space opting not to visit the 95-year-old. clinton is here in south africa. he held an event here in pa t e pretoria and talked about mandela. >> one of great legacies of mandela is in spite of fact that he was denied the right to see his own children grow up, and all of these other things that he lost, he never forgot that politics and economics were really, were about personal stories. >> clinton also says he is happy to hear mandela's healthism proving. the family isn't saying much. but a church leader who claims he was briefed by the family claims mandela is conscious, he hears every word that is said to
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him, and he does respond. marci gonzalez, abc news. the mystery of how that shark got on a new york city subway car has been solved. maybe. a mom from brooklyn tells "the new york post" her kids were taking picture of the dead fish on coney island when a group of 20-somethings took off with it. marine expert compared the photos the kids had taken with the one on the subway and said the female dogfish sharks are similar in look and in size. >> smooth dogfish, species of shark. not a great white. >> so, so going back to what i was s was saying yesterday. this is not a hoax? a shark on the subway. >> 20-somethings took it. next thing you know it. get on the subway at coney island. right by the ocean folks. >> with a red bull, metro card, and what, cigarette in its -- >> get the feeling who ditched the shark. >> didn't do theit.
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>> talk football. starting with the nfl team that represents the nation's capital, the team edging out the tennessee titans. telling the story this way that's what a growing list of publications not using the team official name, redskins, slate and new republic announce they'd will no longer use the name. slate called it tacky and dated. the team's owner says the name will never be changed. an interesting one. the redskins. some people feel it is racist and out of date. traditional team. kind of cool, like to me, i, i hear redskins and i think, that is a warrior. >> history tough it. >> i don't, in my mind, something to be feared. respectful. >> for people who are not racist that makes a lot of sense. unfortunately for people who are racist use the word to moean other things where the controversy comes from. >> let's talk several other nfl teams, in action last night.
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>> quarterback joe flacco and baltimore ravens. flacco, 7 for 9 with an interception. baltimore's defense forced four turnovers and picked up where they left off last season. stomping the buccaneers. 44-16. only preseason. >> doesn't mean nothing. >> this might be the cutest, loudest pregnancy announcement we have ever seen. this is why it is our "favorite story of the day." >> made back in june. take a look. going viral now. a couple tells a grandma to be, her birthday present is hidden in the kitchen and has to find it. eventually she gets to the oven. >> what is it? >> it is a bun. >> where is it? >> it's in the oven. >> ah! >> ha-ha. >> happiness and hugs all around. the couple's first baby. due in december. good luck to them wherever they
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are. bun in the oven. >> that reacts is priceless. the fact that they did it on her birthday also helped. she wasn't kind of suspecting it might be something else. >> why do moms always react like that? that's perfect. they're moms. so great. >> i love that. that's great. >> forget jet skiing. how about skimming the ocean with a jet strapped to your back a new trend we had to try out. >> first the man who spent his entire life thinking he was some one else. his selfless quest to give closure to the couple who raised him and soclve the mystery of wo he really is. you are watching "world news now".
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a man named paul fronczak wants to unlock a mystery. for most of 49 years he believed he was kidnapped at birth and later returned to his family a year later. >> now he learned that's not his story at all. he hopes the fbi, abc news, and hopefully the american public can help him find out the truth. abc's barbara walters has this exclusive interview.
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>> reporter: looking at old family photographs with paul fronczak is a strange experience because the baby in his baby pictures is not him. how do you feel when you see this picture? >> i feel like i want to find him and hug him and make sure he is okay. >> reporter: paul fronczak recently discovered his entire life, name, parents, birthday all of it is a big mystery. a mystery that began with kidnapping 49 years ago in 1964. just a day after paul fronczak was born. the first child of chester and dora fronczak. but baby paul was snatched from his mother's arms right in the maternity ward of a chicago hospital. the baby was kidnapped. >> the baby was gone. >> i don't think of it to come and take another woman's baby. dora fronczak's public appeal to the kidnapper went unheeded. >> do you have any suspects here in chicago you are going to question? >> we are questioning suspects
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throughout the day. >> reporter: a massive dragnet came up empty. over a year later, a child some what matching paul's description was found in new jersey. the fronczaks claimed him as their own and took him home to chicago. now an adult, paul works for a college in nevada. he is married and has a child of his own. a there mall life. until a year ago, when a dna test showed he is not the fronczak's child after all. what are you trying to accomplish? >> my main goal for this whole project is to find the real paul. my parents raised me and they did a great job. and i feel that if i've don't do everything i can to help find their real child, then i am not doing my job as a son. >> that is a thriller novel. that's unbelievable. >> too incredibly sad stories. now he has no idea where he really came from. he turned up at a supermarket. his entire family who knows where they were. he was abandoned. >> some where out there is paul
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fronczak. >> this other child taken from his mother's arms. nobody knows if the child ended up, grew up, safe. or its destiny ended up being. so here is what is crazy about the way things used to work 49 years ago. police, they connected him to the family back in chicago because they said that he, he had the same kind of pointed ears. >> pointy ears. >> pointy ears. the age matched as the kid had gone missing. that was enough for them to be okay. here you go. no dna testing. not at all. the investigation continues. 49 years ago we didn't have that technology. >> we'll get to the bottom of the story. i bet. abc news has a lot of resources in this as well. we are kind of invested in the story. once barbara walters met him. became, decide she'd wanted to invest all kind of resources. >> good luck to him. when we come back did you ever want to fly like a superhero. >> some times. >> i did.
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now it is possible. no superpowers necessary. check out the jet back. next in the break. >> if you are like most families you have a pile of electronics some where, some are outdated some are broken. we'll show you how to make a little built of money off of them. you're
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a new kind of flying machine straight out of james bond, making a real splash this summer. >> a jet pack allows you to travel over or under the water. dan harris took it for a spin. >> reporter: this summer you can do more than a see a super hero movie. you can be a super hero. leonardo dicaprio and rob lowe
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are doing it. >> it is personal flight. every person's dream out there. truly like being a super hero. flying through the air, superman, ironman. go underwater too. >> reporter: inspired by james bond in "thunder ball" these things for rent at an increasing number of beaches. some have raised safety concerns. but jet lab, the company that makes this jet pack claims they have a "virtually spotless safety record." >> it takes very little effort on your part. >> reporter: i had to trite. their jet pack is powered by water. this little boat sucked it in and shoots out of the backpack, 1,000 gallons a minute. as you can see i had trouble plastering it. fa plant. another face plant. i did finally get up in the air. it wasn't pretty. but it was fun. cheaper versions are on the way. so soon this --
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it's hard to stay in control. might be you. dan harris, abc news, fort lauderdale. >> never quite got airborne. must be hard. >> looks like it might be difficult. i understand they have a safety record that is intact now. the thing just cam out. >> stay tuned. >> hard to have aafety record not intact when your toy is a couple months old. if it had a safety record problem it would be off the market immediately. the toy looks like a lot of fun, $68,000. >> pocket change for the guy in missouri that won the lottery. >> i'm a master at it. jets. >> in the sky. >> except i have no neck. what's up with that? can your longwear makeup last 'til five o'clock?
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[ female announcer ] outlast stay fabulous from covergirl can. outlast is a primer, concealer and foundation all in one for all day flawless skin. outlast stay fabulous. [ sofia ] from easy, breezy, beautiful covergirl.
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all right. time for "the mix." new internet craze, planking, unicorning, a new one, posing with statues. don't know if it has a moniker. put up pictures.
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>> lady in the bears' arms. >> check out the dude. really good picture. >> looks like him. >> cut off right in the right spot. >> anyway. did you say something? >> no. >> oh, yeah, little one is punching the guy out. >> coup snupid? >> cupid. >> the last one. and give her a kiss. >> i see. >> next time in front of the statue. don't touch the statue and break the finger. >> didn't do that. new craze. >> i want to try that with every statue i come across. quickly 30, second. a new discovery show, secret sex lives of swingers, follows all american couples, and high level professional people, and they're swinging jobs. okay. and, there is a little bit of the video for you. totally normal people who happen to have, sex lives that are a little on the crazy side because they have multiple partners. that lady just had her kid 6 weeks ago.
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thank good i didn't have sex with anybody but my husband. now i know it is his. >> attractive swirng, you never see that. ♪ politics and foreign wars, all the weather all the scores that's the world news polka ♪ ♪ congress up to its old tricks we'll discuss it in "the mix" ♪ ♪ that's a brand new stanza ♪ accordians around the world right here in nyc in bryant park in summer on thursday nights they play for free ♪ ♪ as for me no invite so i'm here just for spite with the world news polka ♪ >> i've had worse things thrown at me, don't worry. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ that's the world news polka ♪ people criticize my music almost every day ♪ ♪ you can call me a-rod because
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they told me not to play ♪ boo! ♪ i use steroid on and off prednizone so i don't cough that's my chronic asthma ♪ ♪ you may not like my singing at least i don't wear blue i could be like carlos danger and sexting you selfies make me flinch accordians can really pinch that's the world news polka ♪ weekend! see you monday! ♪
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this morning on "world news now" -- a near disaster and a dramatic rescue. parts of the south are getting slammed by storms and fire fighters are working overtime to get everyone out of harm's way safely. >> also this morning, getting to know the nation's newest millionaire. the 45-year-old father of two describes his joy of what he plans to do with some of the
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money. >> plus it won't make you a millionaire. there is cash in the trash around your house. how to make money from the pile of broken down old electronics. >> bittersweet day at abc, we are saying good-bye to joy behar long time host of "the view" with a journey back to the show's very first season this friday august 9th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now" with john muller and diana perez. happy friday, everyone. we survived another week. you have big plans for the weekend. >> sure did. oh, yeah, having a little dinner here in city this weekend. leaving the baby at the babysitter's. >> nice. that's always great. >> going to feel young and sexy, how is that? we'll do our best acting job. >> well that's good. good for you guys. >> how about you? >> bringing the baby along. doing a city night as well. >> young and sexy. >> young, not so sexy. how's that? let's get started. we begin the half-hour with the
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threat of flsh flooding in the central part of the nation. >> rising waters forced evacuations, dramatic rescues as well. here is abc's alex perez. >> reporter: it was a dramatic scene that had two tennessee parents in a panic. little lauren marlin, just 5 weeks old, rescued from the attic by firefighters. her father in shock. >> next thing you know we are in the attic trying to get the babies upstairs. it's hard. it's scary. you don't know what the water is going to do. so -- just lose it all. >> reporter: firefighters wading through that chest-high water clutching on to baby lauren's carrier to get her to safety. >> it was emotional, you know, you see your babies. she is a newborn. you know how are you going to do this? what are you going to do to get us out? >> across the nashville area, swollen creeks caused flash flooding forcing some to the safety of their roofs and leaving cars floating on streets. rescue teams fanned out fighting the fast-moving waters to get people out. not just tennessee, from arkansas to missouri, the heavy
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rain is hammering the heartland. over 6 inches of rain in madison, tennessee, double what they see in a month. in wallace, kansas, 8 inches. and the worst, richland, missouri, 17 inches this week. enough for an entire summer. and here in the nashville area, there is water still rushing through these swollen creeks. you can tell, our one point here, the water rose so high it carried the debris in the garbage can up to the bridge. usually this creek is only about 1 to 2 feet deep. alex perez, abc news, nashville. >> let's get to the friday forecast. another soak kansas to the ohio valley, with flash flooding across southern missouri once again. showers and thunderstorms from new england down to florida. heavy downpours from wyoming all the way to new mexico. scattered showers in northern california and the pacific northwest. >> 80s from seattle, san francisco and much of the rockies and midwest. scorching 104 in dallas. mostly 90s in the southeast.
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>> strong winds are a challenge for crews battling the wildfire east of los angeles. at least 26 homes have burned and officials say that number could quickly increase. 14,000 acres have been scorched and the fire is only 20% contained. hundreds of people are spending a second night away from their homes as evacuation orders remain in effect. >> now to a bizarre murder playing out on social media. miami man charged with killing his wife after posting a picture of her bloody body on facebook. derek medina turned himself into police yesterday telling them he shot his wife. earlier a picture of a woman slumped on the floor appeared on his facebook page with a post saying he is going to prison for killing her. he also claimed his wife was abusing him. that's a strange thing. >> my gosh, such an incredible story. >> social media taken to a totally new level. >> yeah, there were friends who were responding to this saying, what's going on? she is my friend is? is this true? what did you do to her? it took authorities five hours to take this page off of -- of
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facebook before -- before somebody reported it. they realized what was going on. it was serious. they went and -- >> kind of thing that would get smilie faces and likes, you think he must be kidding. he said -- his wife was punching him. he is not going to stand anymore with the abuse. so i did what i did. i hope you understand. >> number one, nobody understands, you are a freak. number two, her 10-year-old daughter was in the home when he did that. she was unharmed, thankfully. she is in the house. thirdly, he apparently had posted a picture the day before or the week before where they seemed like an incredibly happy family and they were on the porch the post was me and my wife celebrating a night. >> interesting to see how the facebook post plays out in the trial and how it is handled. >> right. very interesting. you never know what a confession entails. hard to tell. >> new thing. >> yeah. moving on to this. friends gathered last night in south florida to remember a teenager who died after being hit by a police stun gun. officers say they confronted israel hernandez as he was spray
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painting graffiti on -- a fast-food restaurant in miami beach. police say they used the stun gun after hernandez refused orders to stop. the 18-year-old died at the hospital a short time later. >> fbi reopening a bizarre mistaken identity kidnapping case that dates back decade. it started when an infant named paul fronczak was kidnapped from a chicago hospital. a year later authorities thought they found that child in new jersey and they reunited him with his parents. but now, genetic tests reveal they're not related. abc's barbara walters spoke to fronczak. >> how do you feel when you see this picture? >> i feel like i want to find him and hug him and make sure he is okay. >> fronczak says nothing would make him happier than to fine the real paul and find out who he is as well. you can see much more of the story, an amazing one tonight on "20/20." >> police are looking for a northern california woman who vanished five days ago. and they have identified a person of interest. they're questioning a registered
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sex offender who dated sandra coke 20 years ago. they say he was spotted with coke sunday the day she went missing. he has a long criminal history that includes kidnapping and rape. and he was also charged in two murders. coke's family and friend have put up $100,000 reward. >> we are remaining optimistic that she is being held some place against her will but is safe. and that -- she will be returned to us. >> coke is an investigator for the federal public defender's office. police searching a nearby area including fairground. but it is not clear what led them to the area. >> now some football. starting with the nfl team that represents the nation's capital, the team edged the titans last night. 22-21. telling the story this way because that's exactly what a growing list of publications is doing not using the team's official name the redskins. both "slate" and "the knee republic" announced yesterday they will no longer use the
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name. slate called the name, "taky and dated." the team's owner says the name will never be changed. >> all right. with college football about to start, the ncaa says it is getting out of the business of selling jerseys, the move comes after reports this week that jerseys linked to players and schools could be found at the ncaa online store. the website replaced by one selling generic apparel. ncaa battling several current and former athletes over the use of their names, images and likenesses. >> president and mrs. obama celebrated the president's birthday last night in d.c. they dined at a posh indian restaurant not too far from the white house. as soon as word got out a crowd gathered across street to get a glimpse of the power couple. later today the president hols a news conference. then the obama family travels to martha's vine yard for vacation. >> i've been to the restaurant. >> is it good? >> terrific. yeah, trendy indian food. >> the president only takes the first lady to the best spots. i'm sure. >> sure they enjoyed it. >> all eyes on new jersey for the mystery winners to come
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forward to claim the rest of the massive powerball jackpot. a minnesota man who bought one of three tickets stepped up and got his share of $448 million prize. 45-year-old paul white, project engineer who said he has been waiting for this day his entire life. >> we went through them and sure enough they were right. i said i will have to call you back later. and i went -- "whoo!" and ran around the office. >> divorced father of two of teenagers. he wl take home $58 million after taxes. >> oh, to be paul. >> he didn't waste a minute. >> good for him. came right forward. yep, me. >> everyone has a different philosophy. do you hold back? hire a couple people? attorneys, financial advisers before you come out so you have somebody in your ear telling you what to do and what to say before you go into the public. some people come out. mine, give me my cash. i'll see you later. >> i think he will be all right. >> nice head on his shoulders. yes. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. all right, maybe a powerball winner would consider helping this woman out. i hope not. check out christina andrews and the sign she's carrying around pensacola, florida.
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>> oh, my goodness. >> not homeless, need boobs. pretty much sums it up. andrews is panhandling in an effort to raise money for breast augmentation surgery. she says she was just telling the truth. >> i just want bigger boobs, i'm not happy with the ones i have. i figured -- this is a way to do it. people put out signs they're homeless. i'm not. ha-ha! so i am just being honest. >> uh, uh, kind of flabbergasts you when you first look at it. i hope she don't drop that sign. >> oh. there is no word on just how much she raised. she says if nothing else, at least she is going to make some people laugh. >> she looks like she has got a pair. i say that much. >> wants a bigger pair. >> moving along. new video emerged that seems to show justin bieber brawling. we'll take a look at "the skinny." >> how can you turn the pile of old electronics into a pile of cash. we'll tell you coming up next. you're watching "world news now."
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♪ ♪ >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by see, when n rely nicice tels ve unsnsolrooms,s, they usese hwire toilill em. so we gogot our fo-star r hols for r ha pricece. i shouldld he beenen ved mo likelely travevel. ♪ h-o-t-w-w-i-e... . ♪ sasaveig on n carentalals o fr $ $115 a daday.
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part of a lineup of unstoppable skincare! start fresh and finish sparkling with s'wipe out wet cloths.
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va-va-vivid for a 400% better clean. from new olay fresh effects. so what are the odds you have an old cell phone some where tossed around in your house. most of us do. >> yeah, all kinds of things. >> your trash could be someone else's treasure or worth cash in your pocket. abc's paula faris and the real money team shows us how. >> reporter: does this look like your house? an old blackberry here, cracked iphone there. chances are this guy will pay
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you good money for it. israel ganot founder of a website -- >> consumers are blown away by how much they can get for these devices. it is usually much more than they expect. >> reporter: because american households have on average 14 electronic devices going unused. just sitting in their junk drawers. >> hi, i'm paula. >> reporter: we have shown you before how to make money on old devices. remember the cohens, they traded in old gadgets on similar sites like amazon and and the godwins took used phones to the mall and got cash on the spot from ecoatm. >> one, two, three. whoo! >> reporter: now gazelle predicts the amount you can make is about to go way up. because nearly 5 million consumers are projected to own smartphones over the next few years.
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>> we thing the big chunk of the customers will want to buy used phones because that's what they can afford. >> reporter: used phones like from the carusos in concord, massachusetts. >> we have a lot of devices laying around the house. we have never gotten rid of them. >> reporter: your mission is to find old iphones around the house. big sis mia finds two phones in the coat closet. downstairs their youngest, justin find two more in the kitchen. and noah finds a 3-year-old ipad in the toy cabinet. gathering them all up, dad logs on to and types in details about each gadget and gets instant quotes. >> this one is $50. $85. this was $10. many years old. smashed. where does it all go? the carusos pack everything up. and send it to gazelle's warehouse in louisville, kentucky. each is scanned in, tested. then shipped off off to a resaler who will fix anything broken or cracked. recognize that ipad, the cracked phone. those are the carusos.
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adding it all up, the three families found average of $341 each just sitting in their junk drawers. so what if my children mysteriously destroyed our family's ipad. cracks all over the screen, chunks and chips in it as well. worthless, right? one of the web sites we mentioned is going to give us $117 for it. not bad considering it is 3 years old as well. paula faris, abc news, new york. >> pretty cool. >> go digging. >> still to come, joy behar's last day. so we are going to take a trip back to one of her firsts. >> queen bey gets a cute new do and it rocks the twittersphere. you're watch
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♪ skinny ♪ skinny so skinny >> welcome to "the skinny," everyone. and we start our "the skinny," with someone's last day. joy behar's last day on "the view" today. on since the very first season way back in 1997. she looks amazing. at 70, she says she just wants to do something else. she doesn't want to be tied to a daily schedule. of a talk show. in talks with jeff zucker, cnn chief, about possibilities there. i don't want to do just one thing. what she is trying to say she wants to take some time to enjoy the other views of the world.
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>> can't blame her. >> we have a little bit of a treat here for you. we have a little treat here for you. we couldn't find the very first day she arrived on "the view" the first time "the view" aired. there she is in 1997. the first season. she looks incredible. writer/comedienne, and jokester of the crew. so, we'll have to see who -- who is going to fill her big shoes when she is gone >> no doubt. i had no idea she is 70, looks fantastic. >> looks amazing. doesn't she? >> totally. >> looks great. sounds great. and i think, she still has quite a future ahead of her. >> talk about justin bieber. might have gotten involved in a brawl. >> oh, justin. >> out in the hamptons. a club fight. swanky, long island, a club fight. video courtesy of e! looks heated. the police are investigating this. didn't have a lot on it. bieber's bodyguards described as intimidating and overbearing by those at the south point night club. you look, i will read. over an alleged assault in the early hours sunday morning.
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sources telling the daily news a 19-year-old wearing sunglasses and backwards hat arrived at the south point club to pick up girls. didn't leave empty-handed. two cocktail waitresses went back to bieber's hotel. and there was trouble. a man believed in his 20s. told police he was attacked by bieber's security detail and is considering suing. it is under investigation. come on, justin. >> take a look at the video. looks like he is charging somebody. next video looks like somebody on the floor. hard to tell. it cuts. the kid with the backward hat and sunglasses was justin bieber. looks like about to confront somebody in the red hat on his little beanie head on his little beanie body. and the rest is history. apparently may be facing charges. police are investigating. >> when you have a security detail kind of easy to be a tough guy, right? >> yeah, surrounded by. >> just in case. you have got backup. with so many guys, who would stand behind people. hold me back.
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hoe hold me back. not holding you. >> held me back, bro. hold me back, bro. >> that's what i would do. >> i don't want any trouble. >> if you had a security detail. you would totally charge. see, hold him back. let's talk beyonce and her new do. check this out. so she popped up a couple pictures on instagram and instantaneously, fans around the world. twittersphere, every station around the country. went into a tizzy. she had "cut her hair." and what happened she took her weave out. we all know that. she looks great! >> absolutely. our start up is not making any money yet
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even though it's the best idea ever. but dress for success right? so we started using tide, bounce and downy together. it keeps our clothes looking newer longer. more like the first day we got them. which was back when we had corporate jobs. even if right now we can't afford...well, anything, our clothes look like a million bucks oo, maybe we could sell our clothes [ female announcer ] using tide, bounce and downy together keeps clothes looking newer fifty percent longer. great on their own. even better together
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welcome back. president obama is holding a press conference at the white house today to address the recent terror alert even as yet another u.s. consulate is shut down. >> been that kind of week.
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but there were some bright spots as well. here is our "friday rewind." >> we received information that high-level people from al qaeda in the arabian peninsula are talking about a major attack. >> this is your wake-up call. al qaeda is in many ways stronger than it was before 9/11. >> we are talking battle-hardened terrorists who are now out and about and rejoining their old comrades. >> this group is fairly ingenious, fairly bold, and eager to cause damage. >> he sped up and purposely, looked like purposely was swerving back and forth to run over as many people as he could. >> upon the approach to the township building, he began to fire the long gun into the township building. through the windows of the building. >> he had been talking about this. we had been trying to talk him out of it. he just told me, dad, my life is over. i am not going to live in a tent another winter in my life.
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>> we, the mujahidin, are imperfect soldiers trying to establish a perfect religion in the land of the supreme god. i apologize for any mistakes i made in this endeavor. >> i just want to get back to playing baseball, playing hard and playing with a lot of intensity and just want to see what our team has to offer here in the next. >> i have been through a lot lately and i have a lot of people to thank for that. most notably to celebrities who kept the tabloid industry alive in my absence. [ indiscernible ] i got to tell you something, our work is not done. we have more beautiful children out there who need our help! >> also this week, that cleveland house of horrors where the three women were held captive was demolished this week, bringing obviously a part of that episode to an end. >> think goodness. check out our "world news now" top moments of the week on facebook in case you missed it. >> i have gone back and watched a couple of these. they're pretty awesome.
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they're getting better and better. i don't know if because people are keeping track of the nonsense that happens on television when we are on or because we are just knowing that is going to happen end of the week being nonsensical. whatever it is, it is a treat. i enjoy it. you enjoy it. >> if you missed it, the dance segment yesterday. one of our best segments. >> tease, next thursday, throw back thursday. want to watch it. all about the 1960s. >> can we be hippies? >> we can be hippies. >> announcer: this is abc's "world news now," informing
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making news in america this morning -- breaking overnight, a new terror threat, forcing precautions overseas. americans being told to leave another country. wild world. the rain keeps coming in parts of the country. triggering flash floods and the dramatic rescue of a newborn
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baby. facebook shocker. a woman found dead. the suspect's facebook friends get a look at the crime scene plus a confession. and a man turned a trash dumpster into a home. complete with bed, bathroom, and that's not all. good friday morning. u.s. interests in pakistan are under threat this morning because of new terror fears. the state department is warning americans against travel there. >> they say there's a specific threat against the u.s. consulate in lahore, pakistan's second-largest city. abc's kristin fisher joining us on the latest details from overnight. >> reporter: diana, john, the key word is specific. this is a specific threat against the u.s. consulate in lahore, which is why only a handful of emergency personnel have been allowed to stay. all americans are now being
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urged to stay out of pakistan. this, as most u.s. diplomats in lahore were ordered out to islamabad. the state department says the evacuation is due to concerns about credible threat information specific to the u.s. consulate in lahore. according to a senior state department official, the threat is different from the one that forced the closure of 19 other diplomatic posts earlier this week. >> it's proven to protect lives. and it's certainly important to keep the terrorists from being able to carry out a truly devastating attack. >> reporter: despite six u.s. drone strikes in yemen, u.s. officials believe this plot is still active and it reaches to the highest level of al qaeda. and those leaders are likely getting help from the nearly 2,000 prisoners who recently escaped from jails in iraq, libya and pakistan. >> it's possible they would be suicide bombers. it's possible they could become combatants. some may have capabilities in terms of bombmaking, which is always a concern.
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>> reporter: with so many u.s. embassies and consulates closed, intelligence officials are worried the terrorists will set their sights on a soft target, like a hotel. now, president obama is expected to address these threats at a white house prs conference later today. his last day in washington before heading out to martha's vineyard for vacation. john? >> kristin fisher in washington, thanks very much. stay with abc news for the latest on the terror threat. we'll carry the president's news conference live from the white house. after his news conference, the president meets with secretary of state john kerry. kerry is getting together today with his russian counterpart. the meeting comes two days after president obama canceled a summit meeting with president vladimir putin. the case of leaker edward snowden is on the agenda. another major story this morning. the threat of more flooding hanging over the center of the nation again today. >> right now, it's raining from texas to the northeast. and in missouri, rescue teams were out in full


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